
The Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network - North Carolina (FRSAN-NC) is working to remove the stigma surrounding mental health and to reduce the risk of suicide in farming and ranching communities. The trainings below are offered for free in-person or virtually. If interested in learning more, please Click Here. Refer to the calendar page for information about upcoming events. Contact us at 844.325.3276 or

Recognition and Management of Farm & Ranch Stress

This training provides information about the causes, signs/symptoms of farm and ranch-related stress and what can be done to manage it on a day to day basis. FRSAN-NC can tailor a training especially for individuals or groups of farmers, ranchers and farmworkers. Training is also available to staff of organizations that support them.

Talk Saves Lives (1 hour)

Talk Saves Lives is a standardized education program by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to provide an understanding of suicide as a leading cause of death. The program is influenced by research on prevention and what can be done to save lives.

Question-Persuade-Refer - QPR (1 hour)

QPR is a national program that aims to decrease suicide and save lives using suicide prevention steps and assisting individuals in finding resources to help. The QPR Gatekeeper training focuses on recognizing crisis, asking about suicidal intentions, and referring an individual to help. One FRSAN-NC employee is a certified instructor for QPR. Individuals that complete this training will receive a certification.

safeTALK (4 hours)

safeTALK is a workshop that teaches how to prevent suicide by recognizing signs, engaging someone, and connecting them to an intervention resource for further support.

Mental Health First Aid - MHFA (8 hours)

MHFA is a national program that teaches a 5-step tool to identify and respond to signs of mental illness, substance use, and mental health crisis. MHFA provides signs and symptoms of mental illness, how to help, and training on crisis intervention. Two FRSAN-NC employees are certified instructors for Adult Mental Health First Aid. Individuals that complete this training will receive a certification.

Youth Mental Health First Aid – YMHFA (8 hours)

YMHFA is a national program that instructs adults that work with youth a 5-step tool to identify and respond to signs of mental illness, substance use, and mental health crisis in young people. YMHFA teaches the signs and symptoms of a mental illness, how to help, and how to intervene in a crisis.

One FRSAN-NC employee is certified to instruct Youth Mental Health First Aid. Individuals that complete this training will receive a certification.

Soul Shop (8 hours)
Soul Shop is a workshop to familiarize participants with the incidence and impact of suicide on their faith communities, and train them to address issues related to suicide.

ASIST (2 days)
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is a fully in-person training that teaches how to prevent suicide by recognizing signs, providing a skilled intervention, and developing a safety plan to keep someone alive.
Individuals that complete this training will receive a certification.

Thanks to the NC Tobacco Trust Fund Commission, NC Farm Credit and NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for supporting the cost of these trainings.

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